Non-urgent advice: Welcome To A Young People Friendly Practice
We feel it is very important that young people are made to feel welcome at the practice.
Young People’s Charter
- We will not turn a young person away if they wish to attend an appointment on their own.
- We will respect young people’s confidentiality and will clearly display our confidentiality policy.
- We will at all times make every effort to not patronise young people.
- We will treat all young people with respect no matter what their age, sexuality, ethnicity or social background.
- We will display young people’s information.
- We will not use medical words unnecessarily but will attempt to use language that can be understood by all.
- We will provide an environment where young people feel safe to express themselves freely.
- We will make sure that young people feel able to ask for the help they need.
- We always welcome young people’s comments and ideas good or bad so we can act on them.
- This service is for you.
Non-urgent advice: Young People’s Confidentiality Statement
Here to listen. Not to tell.
All the doctors, nurses, receptionists and other staff at this surgery will keep anything you tell them private just as they would for any adult.
We will not discuss any information about you with anyone else, unless you ask us to do so, except in circumstances where you or anyone else’s safety is at risk. We would then keep you fully informed.
If any of our young patients have other suggestions regarding how we can improve the service we provide for them please let us know by completing a patient suggestion form or by speaking to a member of our team.